This weekend Ryan and I took a trip to North Adams, MA in the Berkshires. Our goal was to visit MassMoCA and spend time in the little towns in the area. They're very quaint, and there wasn't too much to do, other than eat ice cream and buy cheap books in bookstores, which was perfect. MassMoCA was great.

North Adams is cool. It's really industrial still, and definitely a blue-collar town. We at lunch at Jack's Hot Dog Stand, which is less of a stand and more of a lunch-counter. The food was dirt cheap and really good (if you like greasy hamburgers and cheese fries). Then we got ice cream and walked along the Hoosic River.

The river flows right by MassMoCA, and looks like a canal really. I'm assuming that it was diverted in North Adams for industry use.
We headed to Williamstown for dinner. Williams College makes up most of the town. We strolled on campus a bit before dinner, in search of the campus cemetary. There are marshes on campus, and we saw loads of red-winged blackbirds. I had never seen so many in my life. I'm guessing they're not that rare, but I was still impressed. I tried (and mostly failed) to photograph them.

We headed back to our home for the weekend, The Porches Inn, and watched a movie on our king-size bed.

The next day we headed to Lenox, MA, recommended by Ryan's bandmate Craig. It was very pretty and again, quaint with good ice cream. We sat in a park and got some sun, then headed back to NY. Our last goal for this trip was eating at one of the many 1950s diners off of the Taconic State Parkway. We stopped at the Chief Martindale Diner in Craryville, NY, which was perfect. It's been kept up and looks like it hasn't changed since it was plopped down there. I highly recommend that you stop there if you're in the area.