Read this...
Photo © Kimya Dawson.
Kimya Dawson is about to have her baby. Read her journal if you're interested. I know I am.
Kimya had her baby! Panda Delilah was born July 28th at 7:15am and was 8lbs 9oz and 20 1/2 inches long.
Photo © Kimya Dawson.
Kimya Dawson is about to have her baby. Read her journal if you're interested. I know I am.
Kimya had her baby! Panda Delilah was born July 28th at 7:15am and was 8lbs 9oz and 20 1/2 inches long.
Looks like Fred Durst was in RI for a reason. Apparently he's directing a film. And according to his myspace account he's marrying a chick from RI. Um. More info here if you give a toot. And a funny related post at Junkiness, filed under Douchebags. Also, Spencer Sloan of goldenfiddle refers to him as the "Limp Bizkit frontdouche". Ha! Christina, is that better than Durstbag?
I think what we've learned here is that Fred Durst is indeed a douchebag, and it's not just me saying it.
This will only save me five seconds twice a week, yet I still think it's genius.
I used it this morning and it only took me two tries. The trial goes through December, fyi.
And it's a music video too! It takes a while to start up, but trust me, it's worth it.